Monday, May 11, 2009

A recent survey has revealed more and more students are trying to sue Universities for their college fees back

due to the fact they failed and blamed it on poor tutoring. What if any is your opinion on this.

A recent survey has revealed more and more students are trying to sue Universities for their college fees back
Well i live in Scotland and SAAS pay for my uni fees so i'm ok haha.

Edit- infact...i'd have to pay if i failed my exams- damn.

Well i'd pay up because i'd blame it on myself.

I think you do get bad teachers in certain classes and their teaching methods can affect how well you pick up on stuff but they are giving you a base, the student needs to take that and learn independently.

They are probably only trying to sue because loans and living can get them in a bit of debt and this seems a easy way to get out of that.
Reply:I think it's ridiculous. Students are ultimately responsible for their own learning.

Can you provide a link to this survey that you talk about?
Reply:It's a fact that you can't fix stupid. Even a bad tutor will work if the student applies him or herself to the lessons.And you stated tutor, it is up to the teacher/professor to teach, not a backroom incompetent. I don't believe that a return is indicated for those screw up students
Reply:This is joke right? Stupid people get all the breaks.
Reply:Why would you sue a university for college fees back?

Well I went to college, my fees were paid by SAAS but I'm really glad I didnt have to waste my money. Most of my lecturers couldnt give a crap about the work and one of them even used each class to talk all about her family and whatever diet she was on. She was really thick and even told us about the time 'she walked off a blood clot' (yeah right she did - funny there were no doctors about to witness this miracle)

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