Saturday, November 19, 2011

Would you say that my survey sample is representative?

-Our high school has a maximum of 800 students in total

-I surveyed 200 people in my high school

-This came up to: 40 random students from each grade (grade: 7, 8, 9, 10 11) (40 x 5=200)

-I randomly asked students in our school cafeteria to do my surveys


Which of the following COLD beverages do you drink the most?

a) Water

b) Juice

c) Soda

d) Milk

e) Energy Drink

f) Other

Which of the following HOT beverages do you drink the most?

a) Coffee

b) Tea

c) Hot Chocolate

d) Other

IS MY SAMPLE REPRESENTATIVE? Can you justify your answer for me, please?

Would you say that my survey sample is representative?
I work with a company who make online surveys... and for any kind of study they consider 300 a good sample number... So I think a few more samples and you are good to go.
Reply:200 out of 800 is only one quarter of the school body.

More students needed. 300 or 350 would be more representative.

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