Monday, May 24, 2010

Military survey on cohesion please fill out if military?

First of all, on behave of all students of Buena Vista University in Fort Dodge, Iowa we would like to thank you for your service for us and this great country. Your duty and sacrifice means to a lot to us, so keep the good work.

At Buena Vista University as students, we are conducting a survey on the cohesion of military units and we would be honored if take this survey for us. Providing information on this survey is voluntary. There is no penalty if you choose not to respond. However, maximum participation is encouraged so that the data will be complete and representative. Your survey instrument will be treated as confidential. Identifying information will be used only by persons engaged in, and for the purposes of, the survey

Cohesion in Military Units

1.Which area of the armed services are you a member of?



c.Air Forces


2.What is your grade?

a.E-1 to E-3 f. Warrant Officer

b.E-4 g. O-1 to O-2

c.E-5 h. O-3

d.E-6 i. O-4

e.E-7 to E-9 j.O-5 and above

3.What category does your occupation fall?

a.Infantry, Gun Crews and Allied Science, including armor and amphibious, combat engineering, combat air crew and military police.

b.Electronic Equipment Repair

c.Communications and Intelligence Specialists

d.Medical and Dental Specialists

e.Other Technical and Allied Specialists, including photography, drafting, surveying, mapping, weather, ordinance disposal and diving, scientific and engineering aides, musicians

f.Administrative Specialists and Clerks

g.Electrical/Mechanical Equipment Repair

h.Craft workers, including metal working, construction, utilities, lithography, gas and fuel production, fabric, leather and rubber repair, marine operating crafts, fire fighting, and damage control

4.Are you (mark only one)





5.What is the highest grade of school that you have completed?

a.High school, not graduate

b.High school diploma or GED

c.Associate’s or other two year degree

d.Bachelor’s degree

e.Graduate Study or graduate Degree

6.What is your gender?



To be continued...

The rest of the survey...

7.If currently married or in relationship, is your spouse…

a.On active military duty?

b.A civilian, but formally in the military?

c.A civilian, never in military?

d.N/A, I am single

8.How long have you been serving in the military?


9.Have you served in the following operations (check all that apply)?

__ Operation Just Cause in Panama

__ Operations Desert Storm/Shield

__ Operation Joint Task Force hurricane Andrew or Katrina in Florida and Georgia

__ Operation Restore Hope in Somalia

__ Operation Able Sentry in Macedonia

__ Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti

__ Operation Joint Endeavor in Bosnia

__ Other

10.Would you like to stay in military until retirement?



c.Not sure

11.Are their members of the opposite sex serving in your unit?



12.Which of the following describes how you feel about your co-workers?

a.I believe that I can trust and depend on my coworkers.

b.I believe that my coworkers and I communicate well

c.I believe that my coworkers and I work well together.

d.I believe that my coworkers and I would respond well to a crisis.

13.How would you describe the cohesiveness of your unit?

a.We are a very cohesive unit.

b.We are a loosely cohesive unit.

c.We are divided into conflicting groups.

d.Gender differences weaken cohesiveness.

14.Do you think men and women should be segregated during basic training, or integrated?

a.Segregated for both enlisted and officers

b.Segregated for enlisted, but integrated officers

c.Integrated for enlisted, but segregated for officers

d.Integrated for both enlisted and officers

15.When women are integrated into previously all-male units, how should they be assigned?

a.We should try to assign women evenly across units.

b.We should try to assign women only to some units so there will be more of them on each sight.

c.We shouldn’t pay attention to gender when assigning women to previously all-male units.

To be continued...

The rest of the survey:

16.Do you believe women are treated differently by your commanding officer?



17.Do you believe you have been treated differently by your coworkers because of gender?

a. Yes

b. No

18. If you believe you have been treated differently, how (select all that apply)?

a. I have received more mentoring/instruction/support than opposite gender.

b. I have received less mentoring/instruction/ support than opposite gender.

c. I have been given more dirty work.

d. I have been given less dirty work.

e. Others pay more attention to me and single me out.

f. Others pay less attention to me and ignore me.

g. I am harassed or teased because of my gender.

h. More is expected of me than the opposite gender.

i. Less is expected of me that the opposite gender.

j. I tend to get better assignments than the opposite gender.

k. I tend to get worse assignments than the opposite gender.

l. I tend to receive overly positive work evaluations.

m. I tend to receive overly negative work evaluations.

n. I have a better chance of being promoted than the opposite gender.

o. I have a less chance of being promoted than the opposite gender.

19.Which of the following options comes closet to your opinion?

a.I am satisfied with the present military regulations that exclude women from certain direct combat roles.

b.I think that women who want to volunteer for the combat arms should be allowed to do so.

c.I think that women should be treated exactly like men and serve in the combat arms just like men.

20.How do you feel about the possibility of women serving in the following units?

a.These units should remain closed to women. b.Qualified women should be allowed to volunteer for these units. c.Qualified women should be assigned to these units the same way men are.

Infantry a b c

Armor a b c

Submarines a b c

Special Forces a b c

21.Is there anything on the topic of women serving in your unit that you would feel uncomfortable saying in front of service members?



c.If yes, please explain:

Thanks for taking the survey...

Military survey on cohesion please fill out if military?







8 year 7 months

Other OIF










Inf. A.

Arm. A.

Sub. B.

Spc For B.

Reply:You only listed positive options for #12. I'm didn't do the survey but I'm a female in the army I would not know where to begin in how we're treated differently. A lot of times I've been the only female and the hardest part is working with men who have been in 20+ years and never worked with a female.

You have good questions but you would get so much more info if you asked open ended question and post an email address for those who don't want that much info posted in an open area.
Reply:1. A

2. H

3. A

4. C

5. E

6. A

7. D

8. 11y 0m

9. Other 1y Iraq, 1y Kuwait, 6m GTMO Cuba (odd none were choices)

10. A

11. A

12. C

13. B

14. B

15. C

16. A

17. A

18. BC

19. A

20. A, B, A, A

21. B
Reply:1.Which area of the armed services are you a member of?

c.Air Force

2.What is your grade?


3.What category does your occupation fall?

c.Communications and Intelligence Specialists

4.Are you (mark only one)


5.What is the highest grade of school that you have completed?

c.Associate’s or other two year degree

6.What is your gender?


7.If currently married or in relationship, is your spouse…

b.A civilian, but formally in the military?

8.How long have you been serving in the military?

8 Years 7 Months

9.Have you served in the following operations (check all that apply)?

Other --- Operation Iraqi Freedom

10.Would you like to stay in military until retirement?


11.Are their members of the opposite sex serving in your unit?


12.Which of the following describes how you feel about your co-workers?

e. all of the above

13.How would you describe the cohesiveness of your unit?

a.We are a very cohesive unit.

14.Do you think men and women should be segregated during basic training, or integrated?

d.Integrated for both enlisted and officers

15.When women are integrated into previously all-male units, how should they be assigned?

c.We shouldn’t pay attention to gender when assigning women to previously all-male units.

16.Do you believe women are treated differently by your commanding officer?


17.Do you believe you have been treated differently by your coworkers because of gender?

a. Yes

18. If you believe you have been treated differently, how (select all that apply)?

e. Others pay more attention to me and single me out.

g. I am harassed or teased because of my gender.

19.Which of the following options comes closet to your opinion?

b.I think that women who want to volunteer for the combat arms should be allowed to do so.

20.How do you feel about the possibility of women serving in the following units?

a.These units should remain closed to women. b.Qualified women should be allowed to volunteer for these units. c.Qualified women should be assigned to these units the same way men are.

Infantry b

Armor b

Submarines a

Special Forces a

21.Is there anything on the topic of women serving in your unit that you would feel uncomfortable saying in front of service members?

Reply:Cohesion in Military Units

1.Which area of the armed services are you a member of?


2.What is your grade?


3.What category does your occupation fall?

a. combat engineer.

4.Are you (mark only one)


5.What is the highest grade of school that you have completed?

c.Associate’s or other two year degree

6.What is your gender?


7.If currently married or in relationship, is your spouse…

d.N/A, I am single

8.How long have you been serving in the military?

Years_11____Months_2____ Non-contiguous

9.Have you served in the following operations (check all that apply)?

_x_ Operations Desert Storm/Shield

_x_ Other , OIF, OEF

10.Would you like to stay in military until retirement?


11.Are their members of the opposite sex serving in your unit?


12.Which of the following describes how you feel about your co-workers?

a.I believe that I can trust and depend on my coworkers.

13.How would you describe the cohesiveness of your unit?

a.We are a very cohesive unit.

14.Do you think men and women should be segregated during basic training, or integrated?

a.Segregated for both enlisted and officers

15.When women are integrated into previously all-male units, how should they be assigned?

b.We should try to assign women only to some units so there will be more of them on each sight.

16.Do you believe women are treated differently by your commanding officer?


17.Do you believe you have been treated differently by your coworkers because of gender?

a. Yes

18. If you believe you have been treated differently, how (select all that apply)?

h. More is expected of me than the opposite gender.

19.Which of the following options comes closet to your opinion?

a.I am satisfied with the present military regulations that exclude women from certain direct combat roles.

20.How do you feel about the possibility of women serving in the following units?

a.These units should remain closed to women. b.Qualified women should be allowed to volunteer for these units. c.Qualified women should be assigned to these units the same way men are.

Infantry a

Armor a

Submarines c

Special Forces a

21.Is there anything on the topic of women serving in your unit that you would feel uncomfortable saying in front of service members?

Reply:Hey I was born just a few miles from there. That's why i'm gonna fill this out.

1. c

2. a

3. b

4. c

5. b

6. a

7. d

8. 1

9. no

10. c

11. a

12. d

13. a

14. no opinion

15. no opinion

16. no opinion

17. no

18. a

19. a

20. a

21. cI actually believe theres a lot of jobs women shouldn't be able to do and people won't understand this till they have to do them. When I'm out there working you can easily see women can do the job, but they are constantly being pulled along by men. So what if there are more women? Then the job for men becomes tougher, because they have pic up even more slack.
Reply:1 d, 2 b, 3 a, 4 c, 5c, 6a, 7c, 8 5 years, 9 iraq freedom, 10c, 11b, 12a, 13a, 14a, 15c, 16b, 17b, 18n/a, 19a, 20aaca, 21b
Reply:1.Which area of the armed services are you a member of?

c.Air Forces

2.What is your grade?

e.E-7 to E-9

3.What category does your occupation fall?

c.Communications and Intelligence Specialists

4.Are you (mark only one)


5.What is the highest grade of school that you have completed?

b.High school diploma or GED

6.What is your gender?


7.If currently married or in relationship, is your spouse…

b.A civilian, but formally in the military?

8.How long have you been serving in the military?

Years20 Months 10

9.Have you served in the following operations (check all that apply)?

__ Operations Desert Storm/Shield

__ Other

10.Would you like to stay in military until retirement?

a.Yes -- Already did

11.Are their members of the opposite sex serving in your unit?


12.Which of the following describes how you feel about your co-workers?

d.I believe that my coworkers and I would respond well to a crisis.

13.How would you describe the cohesiveness of your unit?

c.We are divided into conflicting groups.

14.Do you think men and women should be segregated during basic training, or integrated?

a.Segregated for both enlisted and officers

15.When women are integrated into previously all-male units, how should they be assigned?

c.We shouldn’t pay attention to gender when assigning women to previously all-male units.

16.Do you believe women are treated differently by your commanding officer?


17.Do you believe you have been treated differently by your coworkers because of gender?

a. Yes

18. If you believe you have been treated differently, how (select all that apply)?

a. I have received more mentoring/instruction/support than opposite gender.

h. More is expected of me than the opposite gender.

19.Which of the following options comes closet to your opinion?

c.I think that women should be treated exactly like men and serve in the combat arms just like men.

20.How do you feel about the possibility of women serving in the following units?

a.These units should remain closed to women. b.Qualified women should be allowed to volunteer for these units.

c.Qualified women should be assigned to these units the same way men are.

Infantry c

Armor c

Submarines c

Special Forces c

21.Is there anything on the topic of women serving in your unit that you would feel uncomfortable saying in front of service members?


Should Yahoo have a site just for students asking questions about school work problem solving skills?

Previous answers, allowed the student I'm working survey how various people sometime,can or cannot help solve a problems.

This allowed him to see positive and negative feedback.

Should Yahoo have a site just for students asking questions about school work problem solving skills?
I think the internet is a very useful tool. I believe that it can be harmful. I think that having a homework site would be good for kids to be able to help the solve problems. I don't think one that will tell them all of the answers, but some one that can help them. Not all students have teachers that are willing to help them, and NOT all teachers can teach well enough for some students to understand. THis may soud bougus, but it is true...School is not always easy, and any help is a good idea...Learning is a great thing to experience, fro the good or the bad...Oh and by the way..teens are going to get on the internet..whatever! Anyways I think that it would be a great idea if planned out well....THANKS
Reply:PEOPLE Report Abuse

Reply:sorry for the mis-spelling of PEOPLE Report Abuse

Reply:No, it's not a homework site, and it's not even meant for teens.
Reply:I Think Yahoo Should Have A Site Just For Students Who Need Help With School Stuff It Would Really Be Nice For All Of Us Students Out There In The World With Yahoo.
Reply:yes they should
Reply:yes of course..

How do you start your own website?

I started a public relations club at my school and one of our goals was to have an online source where we'd have an event calender, student of the month, surveys, etc. We got permission from the administration and they just asked me to start it and they'd look it over for approval. Any tips on how to design also? Thanks so much.

How do you start your own website?
A free alternative to using a program is to write the webpage yourself. One of the best resources with tutorials and examples on creating webpages is located at .

Microsoft also makes a FREE website development program called "Visual Web Developer Express Edition" here: .
Reply:Try CityMax or Site Builder Designs, they have everything you need in building your own website: domain name registration, web hosting, web builder, site maintenance and email accounts. Everything is laid out in an easy to follow step by step instruction. Some of the features included enable you to add your own themes, videos, images or mp3 music making your site unique to you. Pricing is comparable and affordable too.
Reply:if you don't know anything about coding i suggest using dreamweaver to start off it is a very easy program to learn. you have to get a domain name in order to have a website which usually means you will have to pay per month but you can easily make back that money by getting people to put advertizements on your site.
Reply:why you are not try to get it from an expert like

toe shoe mesh

Survey for College Essay on Love?

I am writing an essay on love. I am going for the, "even though it sucks sometimes, it's worth knowing love in the end" angle. So if you all could indulge me a moment of your time....

Please state a simple answer when answering the following questions.

1. Have you ever been in Love?

2. Have you ever had you heart broken over Lost Love?

3. Do you believe in Love at first site?

4. Can a person be in Love with more than one person at a time?

5. Can a person find True Love more than once?

Thank you for participating in my little survey, I appreciate the taking of time to help a struggling student!

Survey for College Essay on Love?


I believe in lust and strong attraction, but I think you need to get to know someone in order to know if you love them.


Reply:1) Yes.

2) Yes.

3) No.

4) No.

5) Yes.

Hopefully this helps of luck on your paper!!!!

Class survey..?

I would like to make a class survey where the students vote for the kindest, friendliest persons in class and so on....?

Can you help me with ideas for categories, like "most friendly"...and so on.


Class survey..?

most athletic


most likely to succeed

best couple

best laugh

most likely to be in a rock band
Reply:best simle

best hair

class clown

but it does depend on the age

How do you feel about using solar-powered appliances or other installations at home?

Hello, I'm a student conducting a short open-ended survey to get a feel of how solar-powered installations at home will be perceived and received by the average person. Your responses will help me develop a sustainable product for residential use. Feel free to respond and send me your comments. Thank you very much for helping! - MariaCGL

How do you feel about using solar-powered appliances or other installations at home?
We used to have solar pannels on our roof that powered some lightbulbs in our house. This was in the Philippines more than 10 years ago. It seemed to work, although I think there was some sort of back up power since we had lights even during cloudy and stormy days. I suppose it would be nice to have solar powered appliances as long as it has a backup power source for those short and cloudy winter days. I think it would be great to have some sockets that are connected to a mini station that is constatntly being recharged by solar power. That way you can plug anything in the socket and recharge your moblie or use a hair dryer or reading lamp. It would also be handy for those rare days of power cuts so that even if the main power source is cut due to a storm or something, you will still be able to use those little essential appliances by plugging them into the sockets. I hope this helps!
Reply:Sure, I'd like to do my bit if I can afford it! I don't see lots of companies selling them around though, where do you find them anyway?
Reply:I don't know if it's worth the investment as they're too expensive. Maybe if it's a community expense. ANyway it's great to see new stuff coming out, everyone is so into this global warming thing. Good luck to you!
Reply:Solar powered security lights are great, they are just a bit too expensive still about $89. Solar power is great, I've built project's using them, I also built a small working Hydro-electric generator, able to run off a lab sink. Solar powered chargers and ventilators are VERY useful on sail boats, and Satellites get all of their power from solar panels.
Reply:It would be great if each appliance were "self-reliable" and had their own access to alternative energy. The microwave, the fridge, or and the TV! I'm surprised technology in this area seems to be so slow, the solar panels I;ve seen in the seventies still look the same today. Yeah if you could show us something original please!
Reply:I've seen that solar-powered bikini, pretty cool idea. I think there's a need for alternative energy to be more popular and common. So yeah, if you could show us a way of putting it to use at home that would be great!

How do you feel about using sola-powered appliances or other installations at home?

Hello, I'm a student conducting a short open-ended survey to get a feel of how solar-powered installations at home will be perceived and received by the average person. Your responses will help me develop a sustainable product for residential use. Feel free to respond and send me your comments. Thank you very much for helping! - MariaCGL

How do you feel about using sola-powered appliances or other installations at home?
I have lived off-grid for about four years relying completely on solar electric power. I learned a lot about conservation as my system is very modest, but I wouldn't exchange it for a monthly electric bill-I own my power not rent it from an electric company that can hike rates and pollute the air as much as they please.

I feel that utilizing solar energy has helped me look at my energy use in a new way. I have developed a new pattern language in my home and during my daily activities that have made me much less wasteful. Solar energy is expensive and so being efficient always trumphs adding solar modules to the home.

It feels great to use renewable energy from the sun!

Reply:yeah what sandy said, its expensive. if you can do it cheap, sure, but i am looking for something that performs the same way as the other appliances, not something weaker bc it runs off of the sun's battery. and also i dont want any extra things in my kitchen related to it, and i dont want to have to do any extra work or fidgeting to get it going. thats probably why it feels unreasonavle to alot of people...imho
Reply:warm and fuzzy
Reply:Hey, Maria. I'd be open to anything solar-powered, but unfortunately, it's not cost-effective for the average person. The start-up costs, and the retro-fit of the home is much too expensive.


Miscellaneous Software

Survey question for high school students- what does school mean to you?

what does school mean to you? how do you feel about it:?

Survey question for high school students- what does school mean to you?
i hate it. its jack shiiiittt
Reply:School is the air in my lungs, without it I will die.
Reply:It's a time for social and mental growth. Though some things taught are extremely unnecessary and "DUH!"-ish, school requires you to have a sense of responsibility and composure and the ability to follow directions, if nothing else.
Reply:Well if you had asked me last year, I would have said something along the lines of a boring place that I'm forced to go to. Now I say, it's still boring, but it's a time for you and your friends to hang out and get the necessary education you need to further your lives. I like school (for the first time in my life since 2nd grade) and now I don't just lay in bed when the alarm rings.

Hope I helped.

What is a good survey question? For all ages?

NO it's not homework... Something that can bring a smile on your face like.....Have you've ever cheated on a test? Or would you hit your child for punishment, if you had one? (the last example isnt really LOL-able though...) Something that students, adults, educators, parents, normal people can answer?

What is a good survey question? For all ages?
Which holiday do you have the fondest memories of? Why?



Instead of Ginger or MaryAnn try:

Rachel, Monica, or Phoebe? (from Friends)

Good Luck....
Reply:Have you ever peed in a pool?

Do you drool?
Reply:Cats or Dogs?

Coke or Pepsi?

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Paper or plastic?

Yes or No? (Fun one, especially if you don't tell them what they're saying yes or no to... see what their gut instinct is.)
Reply:How about: "Do you think the punishment you received for doing xyz bad thing equalled the crime (the misdeed)? You'd be surprised how most think they should've been treated more harshly? strange.
Reply:Survey's of "Favorites" works well for all ages. Food, color, TV show, song, vacation spot....etc

Find the sources of biases in my SHORT survey!!!!!!!!!!!?

-Our high school has a maximum of 800 students in total

-I surveyed 200 people in my high school

-This came up to: 40 random students from each grade (grade: 7, 8, 9, 10 11) (40 x 5=200)

-I randomly asked students in our school cafeteria to do my surveys


Which of the following COLD beverages do you drink the most?

a) Water

b) Juice

c) Soda

d) Milk

e) Energy Drink

f) Other

Which of the following HOT beverages do you drink the most?

a) Coffee

b) Tea

c) Hot Chocolate

d) Other


Find the sources of biases in my SHORT survey!!!!!!!!!!!?
No. Well maybe if one grade is really big/small compared to the others.

College students Please answer this survey!!!?

Do u believe the media has a huge influence on kids? Do u feel it has a great influence on teenagers and their sexuality? R violent video games 2 blame for school violence? Do celebrities influence young kids and their attitudes? Did u or sum1 u know change 2 resemble a celebrity? Would u have plastic surgery? Using scale below, choose # that best describes how u feel about each statement. 1=Definitely disagree 2=Mostly disagree 3=Somewhat disagree 4=Somewhat agree 5=Mostly agree 6=Definitely agree. I know how 2 change specific things I want changed in my life. I have a good sense of where I am headed. If I want 2 change something, I initiate the transition process. I can choose the role I want 2 have in a group. I know what 2 do 2 reach my goals. I have a plan 2 help me reach my goals. I take charge of my life. I know what my unique contribution 2 the world might b. I have a plan 4 making my life more balanced. Thank u 4 taking this survey!

College students Please answer this survey!!!?
ofcourse they have, you can try piaget's works and albert banudrra's theory, the social learning theory. that could prove it. ^_^
Reply:I would have answered your question, but you could at least format it so that it's readable.

shoe labels

How does a USA student group evangelise in Ireland?

For US students going on a christian trip to Ireland, how do Irish people like to discuss Religion. I have heard that the church was important to Irish people in the past, but that recent surveys show that the majority of Irish people(Catholic and Protestant) have little knowledge of Christianity. Many seemed quite hostile to Christianity on surveys.

How does a USA student group evangelise in Ireland?
I am Irish and came to the US when I was 17.

You DO NOT, nor can you evangelise in Ireland. They will resurrect St. Patrick from the dead and drive you out like snakes.

The problems in Ireland right now are because of religion.

The only people who you might be able to talk to are a Catholic Priest or Nun, but then they'll try and turn you Roman Catholic.

You will NOT be welcome.

And we have a great deal of knowledge about Christianity. The Priests and the nuns drilled it into us. And, that probably isn't your idea of Christianity, all of which will fall on deaf ears.

Unless you are planning a pub party with free pints all night long, don't expect anyone to show up for your preachings.

Better still, don't even go. The Irish dislike Americans already, and your trying to thump your bible is likely to get some gunshots fired.
Reply:Most of my life has been spent in environments hostile to Christianity. I spend a lot of time praying first and ask God to open doors. He does in his time.
Reply:Honestly, I wouldn't bother going to Ireland if I were you. The people that are Christian know plenty about it already, are perfectly happy the way they are and are only going to be annoyed by you. The ones that aren't Christian are going to be annoyed anyway. You're not going to convert anyone - the way people think about religion here is very different to the way they think about it in the US. Nobody is going to be impressed with American students evangelizing.
Reply:Religion has caused a huge amount of trouble in Ireland. I would be careful if I were you.
Reply:The Irish do not like to discuss religion. And they fervently dislike people trying to discuss religion with them. It isn't so much an adversity to Christianity as it is an aversion of religion.

In case you didn't do all your history homework, the conflagrations in Ireland are over religion. Not a subject to bring up in Ireland. While it might not mean a gun to your head, it will mean an icy welcome and a joyous goodbye.

A goodly number of the Irish people also believe that God has betrayed them. Start talking about the grace and love and power of God, and be prepared for a lot of anger and a few well-placed blows to the nose, with all you you landing in jail.

Don't do it. For God's and the Irish's sake, simply do NOT do it.
Reply:The Irish aren't hostile towards Christianity, just hostile towards religion.

In all your "surveys," did the enlightening fact that the problems and hatred in Ireland are a RESULT of religion?

And you want to piss of the Irish even more by trying to preach to them? Good God, how stupid are you people?

Don't do it. You lives WILL be at risk if you do, and God won't help you. Hell, why should he? He hasn't helped the Irish people in these thousands of years.

Don't expect ANYONE to welcome you with open arms, let alone welcome you, period. Pay attention to what people have said here and spend your money on something useful. Like some history books.
Reply:Start in Belfast. Take banners into the streets and chant things like they did in the 80's.

BTW, have you stopped to think WHY they might not like Christianity anymore? Does your church-school also leave out recent history along with science?
Reply:You don't.

Nobody likes an Evangelist, particularly in Europe.

Keep your bible thumbing at home.
Reply:You're kidding right? A bunch of American students trying to Evangelize in Ireland?

Wow, that is just way, way too funny. The tears are rolling down my face!

But, you put this in the wrong sections -- it should be under jokes and riddles because any American, and student, and Evangelist trying to "discuss" religion with the Irish is simply a huge joke!

Get real!
Reply:Buy them a beer, then bust the empty glass over your head, then tell them of a magic invisible man that lives in the clouds that grants you wishes if you pray to him. Works every time.
Reply:I am from Ireland and have lived here in Dublin for most of my life.

The reason Irish people dislike being preached at, is simply that people here respect others rights to hold their religious beliefs private. Perhaps because often a discussion of religion, turns into an argument.

As well as that, Irish people on the whole are very friendly and easygoing people. They like to have a social drink, (or 12) and a good time. They don't like being told that this enjoyment of their time, is a sin.

In recent times there have been a lot of sex scandals relating to the church and this has lead to the priests and church officials having less and less power.

If you stand and preach in the street, the worst you will get is the odd heckle, and eyes rolling all over the place. Most if not all people will just continue walking past and not give you another look.

There is no chance you are going to be shot or physically harmed by preaching in the streets. That's not how Irish people generally are. Unless of course you happen to personally insult someone who has a chip on his or her shoulder.
Reply:very carefully.....
Reply:Europe is a very secular place. People openly preaching and looking for recruits are viewed with suspicion, hostility and regarded as crackpots on this side of the pond.
Reply:don't even bother trying to speak outside of america, the rest of the world hates you.
Reply:If your group of proselytizers really want a challenge, go to Afghanistan.
Reply:Start a Bible study, and invite people to come. The Word of God always works. :)

Ciao survey website?

everytime after i answer first few questions it says i havent been chosen to do the survey.

i am 18, student and in london so this is probably not what they want. what can i say which will get me into the survey e.g age, location, job?

do you know any other ways to get money this easy on the internet?

Ciao survey website?
Wow bro, I know just what you need to know. I have videos on my blog that can help you understand how to qualify for surveys. They always have trick questions and I tell you how to answer them.

Survey help!!!!!!!?

Hi! i'm a student, need help on survey, a very simple one, please help!!!

1.Gender: Male/Female


3.Do you believe UFO/aliens exists?

Yes / No

4.If your ans to Q3. is Yes, Why?

Movies / books / photos / internet / TV / Peers influence

5.If your ans to Q3. is No, Why?

Personal apprehension /

There is no such thing /

Not proven scientifically /

did not experience before /

public influence /

6. If you don't believe in UFO, will you believe after seeing it Personall?

Yes / No

Pls write in this format:

1. Male

2. 32

3. Yes / No

4. Movies ( If YES)

5. Not proven scientifically (If NO)

6. Yes (If NO)

I personally thank you in my heart!

Survey help!!!!!!!?



5.not proven scientifically;no evidence;unseen

6.yes, if I see it only
Reply:1. Female

2. 22

3. Yes

4. Books %26gt;%26gt; There are one hundreds billion galaxies in this universe, this means theres big chance of another living being in another galaxies and another planet, just because it hasn't proven scientifically it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, human are limited in their own learning and discoveries, just because we haven't discovered it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

Hope this help!!
Reply:1. Female

2. 26

3. Yes

4. I've seen suspicious things

5. -

6. -
Reply:1. Female

2. 22

3. No

4. n/a

5. Personal apprehension

6. Yes

What is your relationship like? Cool Relationship Survey!!!?

Hi all,

I am a graduate student studying relationships and I just started a survey on friendship behaviors and support in relationships, which some of you may find interesting. It is a pretty quick survey and gives you a lot of feedback about your relationship and your personality at the end. People have enjoyed taking it so far. If you are at least 18 years old and interested in taking the survey, the link is:

Thanks! Have a wonderful day :)

Friendship in Relationships Study

Psychology researchers at the University of Rochester are looking for people at least 18 years old and in romantic relationships to complete a short survey.


What is your relationship like? Cool Relationship Survey!!!?
So, what exactly is "praetology"?

I stopped taking the survey when a supposedly legitimate survey uses made up words.
Reply:um yea, that word is used as a control. its not supposed to mean anything, its how the experimenter knows if your being truthful; therefore the survey is quite legitimate Report Abuse

belt buckles

What would the confidence statement be?

I surveyed students at my high school on what what their favorite baseball team? There were 73 students. What is the margin of error? What is the sample statistic?

What would the confidence statement be?
I can't really answer your question...

What statistical tool are you using?

Maybe you can repost this in the Mathematics category...:D

Are any parents of FL Virtual School students willing to take an online survey , to help with my homework?

I'm in my last semester in an Education masters program at FSU. In a class on "research methods" (Seminar on Inquiry and Measurement) we were required to picked a topic to use for all of our homework assignments. My groups topic was a comparison of Homeschool vs Public School experiences among FLVS students %26amp; parents.

One of our assignments was to create an online survey and have 20 people take it. Well, our group has to turn in the survey next Monday.

SO... I'm posting messages on any forum I can find, begging for FLVS parent volunteers to simply hop online and take our survey located at.

Are any parents of FL Virtual School students willing to take an online survey , to help with my homework?
I am not sure if you have received any "nibbles".

If you decide to broaden your research to any Virtual Schooling families I would be more than willing to assist you.

teeth problems

Student wanting to earn extra cash on internet?

heya, i'm looking for ways to try to earn a bit of extra money on the internet. am starting uni next year and want to start saving to help keep it as stress fee as possible.

i have several hours free every evening an was wondering if anyone had ideas as to how i could earn a little extra cash, prefferably on the internet. have already tried paid surveys to little success. please help,

cheers xxxxxxxxx

Student wanting to earn extra cash on internet?
forget it and get out and apply at mcdonald's!!!
Reply:Maybe you can try "affiliates programs". Read something interesting about that here:
Reply:I have earned a lot of money by referring people to my sites! Please read my blog on my 360!

Join the sites and then you will have your own referral information. ALL FREE! no b.s. or extra crap to commit to just join and refer.

Each site provides referral text and pictures! They are awesome!

GOOD LUCK! Let me know if you join and I will share another secret site to let you know how to best use these!

My graduate thesis-Research Survey?

Hey guys, How are you all doing?

I am a 2nd year graduate student majoring in Public Administration.

I would appreciate it so much if any of you will just take 5 to 7 minutes to complete my online survey. If you know anyone else who is interested, please tell them about this survey too. (help a student out please)

My survey is about racial disparities in the criminal justice system, one’s attitude toward the perception of minorities.

Thank you in advance

My graduate thesis-Research Survey?
You got it! In some cultures, one receives blessings for assisting students. I like that idea! Good luck!

I just took the survey, and here is my feedback: I did not answer any questions that were poorly worded or used words inaccurately. (You confused 'effect' with 'affect.")

Suddenly, a number of questions use the first person pronoun and are written as though I am a Black American, when I have already identified myself as white. Therefore, I could not answer those questions and wondered, "Why the change midstream?" It makes no sense.

I know you are young, but your age categories end at 50, and the rest of us must choose "Other." That felt disrespectful. Life doesn't end at 50. You'll know that when you get there, but for now, trust me on this, OK?
Reply:I would be happy to help you with the wording, if I can. Report Abuse

Reply:I'm sorry; I tried taking your survey, but it's so poorly worded that I wasn't even sure what it's asking. You also don't have an age category for my age group (I'm 52). I don't know who "your" is in the questions after the initial demographic information; I think you need to reword them to say something like "I think that a defendant..." rather than "your..." - at least I think that's what you're after, but I honestly can't be sure.

You need to do some serious work on your survey questions to get accurate results.

Best of luck. You're welcome to contact me if you get the document fixed; I'll be happy to take it.
Reply:No thanks
Reply:i am done, please enjoy

What is your relationship like? Cool Relationship Survey!!!?

Hi all,

I am a graduate student studying relationships and I just started a survey on friendship behaviors and support in relationships, which some of you may find interesting. It is a pretty quick survey and gives you a lot of feedback about your relationship and your personality at the end. People have enjoyed taking it so far. If you are at least 18 years old and interested in taking the survey, the link is:

Thanks! Have a wonderful day :)

Friendship in Relationships Study

Psychology researchers at the University of Rochester are looking for people at least 18 years old and in romantic relationships to complete a short survey.


What is your relationship like? Cool Relationship Survey!!!?
No thank you.

Please help!Survey for my graduate thesis?

Hey guys, How are you all doing?

I am a 2nd year graduate student majoring in Public Administration.

I would appreciate it so much if any of you will just take 5 to 7 minutes to complete my online survey. If you know anyone else who is interested, please tell them about this survey too. (help a student out please)

My survey is about racial disparities in the criminal justice system, one’s attitude toward the perception of minorities.

%26lt;A HREF=" %26gt;

Click Here to take the survey


Please help!Survey for my graduate thesis?
Sure, i'll do it!
Reply:No thanks.
Reply:I'd love to do it, but the link is not valid or the survey is no longer up
Reply:Happy to help, but the link is broken.

Teeth %26 Gums help

Online survey for my graduate thesis about the criminal justice system?

Hey guys, How are you all doing?

I am a 2nd year graduate student majoring in Public Administration.

I would appreciate it so much if any of you will just take 5 to 7 minutes to complete my online survey. If you know anyone else who is interested, please tell them about this survey too. (help a student out please)

My survey is about racial disparities in the criminal justice system, one’s attitude toward the perception of minorities.

%26lt;A HREF=" %26gt;

Click Here to take the survey


Online survey for my graduate thesis about the criminal justice system?
I took your survey, but I think your 5th question is difficult to answer because it asks 2 different things. (This is from memory) Yes-wealth affects your chances of being incarcerated. If you can hire a top-notch criminal defense attorney, you have a better chance of no jail time. Yes-minority status also affects your chance of being incarcerated. However, does the minority status affect the chance of going to jail because of the disparity of income between minorities and non-minorities? That's the problem with the 5th question. If O.J. was poor, would he have gotten an acquittal in the criminal case? That question needs some work. Maybe it should be broken into two questions. Also, your survey could use some proof-reading.
Reply:link worked for me
Reply:your link is not good.
Reply:Your link doesn't work
Reply:The link worked for me. I took the survey! Good luck!
Reply:link doesn't work

Im taking a survey for a school assignment?

do you think "ALL" middle school and high school students should have lockers? Why or why not?

Im taking a survey for a school assignment?
Nope, my middle school used to have lockers in the hallways, now they don't. Why? Well, kids put drugs, guns, and sold them to other students, and stuff. It's very dangerous!! That's really all you need to know.

Please help answer this question:;...
Reply:If there are enough lockers to accommodate everyone, I don't see why not. If there aren't enough, then underclassmen should have to share.
Reply:No, difficult to use.
Reply:No, lockers are a nuisance. They take time away from classrooms and are costly, dangerous, and used for social purposes more than anything. They are gathering places for cliques and gangs, as well as targets for graffiti/vandalism. They are also too good an excuse for tardiness ('my locker wouldn't open,' 'my locker's all the way across campus,' 'I left it in my locker') blah blah blah... we dont have to carry all our stuff around with us all the time

How can i accecolleges and universities offering survying?

I am a student in Kenya Institute of surveying and mapping.Iam suppose to join my final year begining January next year.For the last three monthsI have been attatched in the ministry of roads and public works where i got to be accessed on engineering works of road construction,topographical survey,cadastral works and more so how to produce into maps using computer programs like autocad,liscad and arcicard.I would like to further my career .

How can i accecolleges and universities offering survying?
Try using the term "geomatics". The University of Florida has a geomatics program. This degree is required in Florida to become a licensed land surveyor. UF has the only land surveying program in Florida.

Psychology survey on college students!?

My survey is about how college education impacts ones life and if their origional expectations stuck with them after school. I`m using this for a high school college psych class please answer the questions and thank you!

Where do you/did you attend college?

what year do you/did you graduate?

what is your career (goal) now and did it change? to what?

What is/was you major?

did you change you major, or think of changing it?

if so how many times and when did you change it? i.e. fresh/soph/junior/senior year.?

thanks so much!

Psychology survey on college students!?
Where do you/did you attend college?

Austin Community College and TxState

what year do you/did you graduate?

ACC in 2003, TxState by 2008 (double major hours)

what is your career (goal) now and did it change? to what?

Business, and it did not change to anything else

What is/was you major?

Both colleges were Business oriented majors, with TxState focusing on Finance and Management

did you change you major, or think of changing it?

I never needed to change it. Although I love science just as well, and if I could start all over I I might've gone with that. Tough choice though.

if so how many times and when did you change it? i.e. fresh/soph/junior/senior year.?

I never needed to change my major. I've met people though that have done it 3 or 4 times, and have gone to just as many schools. How they can do this financially, my only guess is that they've got some rich parents in order to pay for all of these transactions.

Hope this helps you out.
Reply:Where do you/did you attend college? I'd rather not disclose that information.

what year do you/did you graduate? I will graduate by 2010.

what is your career (goal) now and did it change? to what? My career goal is to be a professor. It hasn't really changed, since I hadn't had specific career goals in mind before although I've considered many options.

What is/was you major? My major is Anthropology.

did you change you major, or think of changing it? Yes, I've changed my major a few times.

if so how many times and when did you change it? i.e. fresh/soph/junior/senior year.? I've changed my major at least 3 times during first and second year.
Reply:New England (MA)

Going to graduate in spring 2009

I want to work for a publishing house; however, I interned with a private investigator, and now I'm thinking of going back to work for him after college

I'm majoring in English

No, I always knew it would be English

rooster teeth

What is your relationship like? Cool Relationship Survey!!!?

Hi all,

I am a graduate student studying relationships and I just started a survey on friendship behaviors and support in relationships, which some of you may find interesting. It is a pretty quick survey and gives you a lot of feedback about your relationship and your personality at the end. People have enjoyed taking it so far. If you are at least 18 years old and interested in taking the survey, the link is:

Thanks! Have a wonderful day :)

Friendship in Relationships Study

Psychology researchers at the University of Rochester are looking for people at least 18 years old and in romantic relationships to complete a short survey.


What is your relationship like? Cool Relationship Survey!!!?
I just completed the survey. It was pretty informative. And thank you for the points as well although it was longer than i thought it would be =)
Reply:OK... and thanks for the points! I've got the time, so I'll do the survey... lucky you!
Reply:wow that was a long survey!!!!

Can Somebody Help Me With This Question?

Of the highschool students surveyed, 65% of them reported that they preffered attending football games to attending soccer matches. Of the students surveyed, 45% were males. If gender is independent of sports preference, what is the probabiltiy that a randomly-chosen student is a male who prefers watching football to watching soccer?

i've been trying to answer this question for the past hour and i just don't get. can somebody help me a little.

Can Somebody Help Me With This Question?
If A and B are independent, P(A and B) = P(A) times P(B)

So .65 X .45 = .2925 or 29.25%
Reply:i think its 45/100*65/100

Psychology survey on college students!?

My survey is about how college education impacts ones life and if their origional expectations stuck with them after school. I`m using this for a high school college psych class please answer the questions and thank you!

Where do you/did you attend college?

what year do you/did you graduate?

What is/was you major?

did you change you major, or think of changing it?

if so how many times and when did you change it? i.e. fresh/soph/junior/senior year.?

thanks so much!

Psychology survey on college students!?
1. I attended college in Mansfield, PA, which is in the northwest part of the state

2. I just graduated with my bachelor's degree in May of 2007

3. I majored in Social Work and minored in Psychology

4. Yes, I changed my major from Psychology to Social Work

5. I changed my major mbetween when I was accepted to college and the start of my Freshmen year. Then, I picked up a minor in Psychology during the first semester of my Sophomore year.
Reply:Ithaca College

May 2008


Went from undecided to English (don't know if that counts)

Came in undecided, declared an English major at the end of freshman year (no change since then)

5) The probability that a college freshman takes a math class the first semester is 0.75. The probability tha

5) The probability that a college freshman takes a math class the first semester is 0.75. The probability that a freshman takes an English class the first semester is 0.7. The probability that the student takes both classes the first semester is 0.6.

a) Find the probability that the student takes Math or English in the first semester.

b) Find the probability that the student takes neither class in the first semester.

c) Are the events that a student takes a Math class and the event that a student takes an English class independent events? Show work to prove your answer.

6) 76 college students are surveyed about their favorite pizza topping and the following results are found:

Anchovies Mushrooms Onions Pepperoni

Freshmen 4 12 8 14

Sophomores 4 11 6 17

a) What is the probability that a randomly selected student has onions as their favorite topping?

b) If a sophomore is selected what is the probability that their favorite topping is pepperoni?

c) What is the probability that a randomly selected student is a freshman and their favorite topping is anchovies?

d) Given that you choose one person and their favorite topping is mushrooms or onions then what is the probability that the person is a sophomore?

5) The probability that a college freshman takes a math class the first semester is 0.75. The probability tha
For any two events A and B

P( A U B ) = P( A ) + P( B ) - P( A ∩ B )

Let E be the event the student takes and English class

Let M be the event the student takes a Math class.

Let ~E be the event the student does not take an English class

Let ~M be the event the student does not take a math class

P(E) = 0.7

P(M) = 0.75

P( E ∩ M ) = 0.60

Let ~E be the event the su

a) find P( E U M ) = 0.7 +0.75 - 0.6 = 0.85

b) find P(~E ∩ ~M)

use DeMorgan's Laws

~(A U B) = ~A ∩ ~B

~(A ∩ B) = ~A U ~B

P(~E ∩ ~M) = P( ~(E U M) ) = 1 - P( E U M) = 1 -0.85 = 0.15

c) for two events to be independent

P( A | B ) = P( A ∩ B ) / P( B ) = P(A)

P(E | M) = P(E ∩ M) / P(M) = 0.60 / 0.75 = 0.80 ≠ P(E) = 0.7

the events are not independent.

== -- == -- == -- == -- ==


there are a total of 38 freshmen

total of 38 sophomores

total anchovies = 8

total mushrooms = 23

total onions = 14

total pepperoni = 31

a) P(onions) = 14/76

b) P(pepperoni ∩ sophomore) = 17/76

c) P(anchovies ∩ freshman ) = 4/76

d) find P( sophmore | (mushroom or onions) )

= P( Sophomore ∩ (mushrooms or onions) ) / P(mush or onions)

= ( 17/76 ) / (37/76)

= 17/37
Reply:what's this your homework? get outta here
Reply:The probability I am gong to do your homework for you...0.00000%

teeth grinding

Survey for college students only!!!!!!!!!!?


Do live on campus?

o Yes

o No

How often are you late for class daily?

o Almost never

o Seldom

o Sometimes

o Almost always

How often are you absent from class daily?

o Almost never

o Seldom

o Sometimes

o Almost always

What is you current GPA standing?

o 4.0-3.6

o 3.5-3.0

o 2.9-2.5

o 2.4-below

How many hours of sleep (including day naps) do you get daily?

o More than enough

o Just enough

o Less than enough

Do you work? If so PT or FT?

What do you usually do between classes?

o Homework/study

o Eat

o Take a nap/rest

o Work

o Other_________________________

Do you carry book bag?

o Yes

o No

Fill in the blank below

In order to be to your first class on time you leave ____________ before class starts.

o 30 min or less

o 1 hour

o 2 hours

o 3 hours or more

Survey for college students only!!!!!!!!!!?
Do live on campus?


How often are you late for class daily?

oAlmost never

How often are you absent from class daily?

oAlmost never

What is you current GPA standing?


How many hours of sleep (including day naps) do you get daily?

oJust enough

Do you work? If so PT or FT?


What do you usually do between classes?



Do you carry book bag?


Fill in the blank below

In order to be to your first class on time you leave ____________ before class starts.

45 minutes
Reply:1 NO

2 almost never( actually never)

3 almost never

4 4-3.6(actually 3.744)

5 just enough

6 yea i work, FT

7 other, my hobbies

8 yes

9 1 hour, (i leave far from my school)

10 NO
Reply:well.. I'm a grad student so I doubt this will help you so i won't take the survey..

but speaking as someone who has lived both on campus and off, commuting is significantly less stressful. One of the main reasons is that when you live on campus, YOU'RE ALWAYS THERE. You don't get away from school at the end of the day. Plus, I find riding the train to school very calming. There's a transition between school and home. Also, if you haven't finished all your work for the night when you get on public transit, you have a little more time, whereas if you're walking (and you tend to put off leaving for class until the last minute when you live on campus,) you can't exactly read/highlight/annotate.

Hope that helps you somewhat!

Survey and Poll: Business students like to do job rather than business. Do you agree or not?

This is a statement . I need your participation. you just have to agree or disagree with it. And pls mention your occupation. It would be a great help for me.

Survey and Poll: Business students like to do job rather than business. Do you agree or not?
Nope, im have an international business degree BBA, i work as an assistant Project Manager, im currently saving money to open a business.

so i financially need money to get started

My thesis-Survey research?

Hey guys, How are you all doing?

I am a 2nd year graduate student majoring in Public Administration.

I would appreciate it so much if any of you will just take 5 to 7 minutes to complete my online survey. If you know anyone else who is interested, please tell them about this survey too. (help a student out please)

My survey is about racial disparities in the criminal justice system, one’s attitude toward the perception of minorities.

Thank you in advance

My thesis-Survey research?
Done and done. You might want to post this in Polls and Surveys as well, if you haven't done so already.

Interesting thesis...

This is for current college students and graduates. what does college success means?

I'm doing a survey about college students and graduates stories of successes and failures on their road paths towards completing college. Who influence your choice going to college rather just jumping into the workforce?

This is for current college students and graduates. what does college success means?
Opening yourself to more career opportunities brings college into view. While it is possible to be successful in the world without a college education. College prepares you in all walks of life, not just academic, but emotional, personal (from time management to organization), and to aim for future goals. College gives you that training and knowledge to prepare you for a specific field. So success can mean different things. Success in college would mean, graduating in you desired major, finding a great job and having great benefits in your desired area, and most of all, staying happy and enjoying your rewards. But again, school is not for everyone, so it depends on your drive. Now let's get something straight, college DOES NOT guarantee success, it helps it, but it doesn't promise anything. Prime example, me, I have a college degree in psychology, went to college because it was the right thing to do, but, was not very happy with my degree decision and now back in school for nursing, because I want to work in the healthfield. Different factors can prohibit you from being successful and/or bring you into success. College is an option but it's not the big road towards success it only provides some insight and training. Good luck on your survey.
Reply:my dad. He is pretty successful right now. Getting what he wants and going to different places around the world. And believe it or not, he still gets to spend time with us. And he is in this business industry for more than 10 years now. And he is still doing it.

Doing my thesis was the hardest part. It like testing you on all the things you have learned and seeing if you can now apply it in reality. And I have to do it in a short period of time.

But I think, it is all worth it. It will prepare myself as I enter the workforce.

teeth bleaching

Can you help me find some SOURCES OF BIAS on my survey?

-Our high school has a maximum of 800 students in total

-I surveyed 200 people in my high school

-This came up to: 40 random students from each grade (grade: 7, 8, 9, 10 11) (40 x 5=200)

-I randomly asked students in our school cafeteria to do my surveys


Which of the following COLD beverages do you drink the most?

a) Water

b) Juice

c) Soda

d) Milk

e) Energy Drink

f) Other

Which of the following HOT beverages do you drink the most?

a) Coffee

b) Tea

c) Hot Chocolate

d) Other

WERE THERE ANY SOURCES OF BIASES INVOLVED IN MY SURVEY? Please give me AS MANY as you can find, or think of-- taking in mind the place and stuff we did our survey in!

(10 points for most helpful answer!)

Can you help me find some SOURCES OF BIAS on my survey?
If the term bias applies to this your survey results may show a bias towards what the consumers can afford. Many students may drink water because they don't have money for juice. I do not think you clarified if the drinks were free or paid for
Reply:I think everyone enjoys a cold beverage, but "NONE" should have been a choice, especially in the hot beverage question.

"Other" is too broad of a term. You could possibly benefitted from a write-in, again, especially in the hot question. The cold question covers just about everything except those drinks like gatorade, propel. smoothies or capri sun which do not fall under any of the choices listed. With a write-in, you might have found that more kids are drinking capri sun than are drinking milk.

As you first answer stated, maybe it's about affordability. Your question might have asked which drinks they like and not which ones they drink. They might not like the drink packed in their lunch at all, or maybe they'd prefer a soda over milk.

To me, there does not seem to be anything that directs a preferred response.

Those are all of my ideas.

Enjoy your results.
Reply:1. It is a convience sample. Only students in the cafeteria are asked instead of all students which are chosen from a simple random sample using the table of random numbers.

2. Depending on what you are trying to determine, whether it is the most popular cold and hot beverage in all high schools or your own high school, can affect the validity of your survey. If it attempts to determine for all high schools, it is an unrepresentative sample.

3. Nonresponse bias, students may refuse to answer survey. This can alter results.

In a survey to determine the smoking habits of first–year students, the number of cigarettes?

that they smoked each

day was counted. The back–to–back stem–and–leaf plot below shows the data collected.

8.1 How many students were questioned in this survey?

8.2 How many men smoked less than 20 cigarettes each day?

8.3 How many female students smoked more than 30 cigarettes each day?


There are 2 blue pens, 3 red pens and 2 green pens in a closed box. Suppose you draw two pens together without

first looking at the pens. Use Bk , Rl and Gm to denote a blue, red or green pen respectively, where k, l or m denotes

a certain blue, red or green pen, i.e. B1 and B2 denote the two blue pens, etc.

9.1 What is the sample space S in this case? (Give it as a set.)

9.2 Write down n (S), the number of outcomes in S.

9.3 Write down as a set the event E "drawing a red and a green pen".

9.4 Write down n (E) , the number of elements in E.

9.5 What is the probability that you will draw a red and a green pen together?

In a survey to determine the smoking habits of first–year students, the number of cigarettes?

8.1 How many students were questioned in this survey?

There are 20 men and 20 women for a total of 40 students surveyed.

8.2 How many men smoked less than 20 cigarettes each day?

None of the men smoked less than 20 cigarettes a day. The least for any of the men was 20.

8.3 How many female students smoked more than 30 cigarettes each day?

10 of the women smoked more than 30 cigarettes per day. They smoked from 31 to 51 cigarettes each day.


There are 2 blue pens, 3 red pens and 2 green pens in a closed box. Suppose you draw two pens together without

first looking at the pens. Use Bk , Rl and Gm to denote a blue, red or green pen respectively, where k, l or m denotes

a certain blue, red or green pen, i.e. B1 and B2 denote the two blue pens, etc.

9.1 What is the sample space S in this case? (Give it as a set.)

S = {B1B2, B1R1, B1R2, B1R3, B1G1, B1G2, B2R1, B2R2, B2R3 , B2G1, B2G2, R1R2, R1R3, R1G1, R1G2, R2R3, R2G1, R2G2, R3G1, R3G2, G1G2}

9.2 Write down n (S), the number of outcomes in S.

n(S) = 21

9.3 Write down as a set the event E "drawing a red and a green pen".

E = {R1G1, R1G2, R2G1, R2G2, R3G1, R3G2}

9.4 Write down n (E) , the number of elements in E.

n(E) = 6

9.5 What is the probability that you will draw a red and a green pen together?

6/21 = 2/7 or 28.57%

I hope that helps!! :-)


HYPOTHESIS: Students in high school/college with an average GPA of 1.5 and lower are more than four times as likely to smoke marijuana in the past year as students who reported an average GPA of 3.8 and higher.

1. Age?

2. Are you in college or HS?

3. What is your GPA?

4. Do you smoke marijuana, if so, how frequently?

5. Do you smoke marijuana before school?


1) 19

2) College

3) Not sure, I usually get B's and C's

4) No

5) No
Reply:1. 16

2. High School

3. 2.81

4. no, not at all

5. no, not at all

although I do drink occasionally, but that is a different story.
Reply:1. 16

2. HS

3. 3.6 ish..

4. no
Reply:1. 18

2. college

3. 3.45

4. no

5. -

glad i could help

Why do they not have in the Columbine School that is known?

for its student's misconduct in regards of bringing weapons to class All they need is a metal detector in front of the school entrance that surveys students from carrying concealed weapons?????????????????

Why do they not have in the Columbine School that is known?
It wouldn't really matter if they had metal detectors or not! All the kid would have to do is shoot the guard and then walk right in while the detector goes crazy! It's not going to stop crime!
Reply:Because it is not an iner city school. Report Abuse

Hiking Boots

Super survey for students!?

whats your favorite part of school?

whats your least favorite?


Super survey for students!?
fave part: whenever i get classes with my crush

least fave: science!

your welcome.
Reply:After school where I can talk to my friends is the best. Gym class sucks a whole lot!
Reply:EDIT - best:mine's going home 2.

worst:going to school
Reply:favorite= friends

least= authority figures
Reply:My favourite part of school is seeing my friends everyday, and choosing the subjects that you like...for me it's Drama ^_^

And the least favourite is maths classes and getting bullied! ^_^
Reply:k, my favorite part is the end of school cuz I get 2 go home and see my boyfriend, yay me! ^_^

my least favorite part would have to be the annoying teachers who don't help u w/ anything and barely teach and then expect u 2 know everything....that really makes me mad and my grades suffer cuz of those stupid teachers.....grrrrrrr

language arts and social studies
Reply:My favorite would be when my teacher is actually nice, and ahe cracks jokes. My least favorite is when she's in a bad mood and gets me bored.

Where can I find Market Research companies in California?

I have created a survey for unemployed college students and I am trying to get them to answer it. Are there market research firms out there in California or elsewhere where I can give my survey to them and pay them some money to connect with students to answer this survey for me?

I've been out of school for sometime now and I need to get my survey out to students. Any ideas?

Where can I find Market Research companies in California?
Manta (dot) com has a pretty comprehensive list of market research firms in California-- you can organize them by city as well. It shows 138 total so I won't list them all here. Each listing has a contact name and phone number, and well as a bunch of other free profile info.
Reply:I don't think you need to look specifically in California for the market research company. There are national research firms with panels you can use and target college students. The cheapest place is probably Greenfield, but eRewards and American Consumer Opinion also have very good online panels.
Reply:you wont be able to retire but try

for a little extra cash

Im doing a science project: Can body language help you determine if a person is lying?

This is my conclusion so far: In conclusion, my hypothesis that body language can, indeed, be a big help in determining whether or not a person is lying was proven correct. Despite the fact that no type of body language suggests ultimate proof of lying, I did background research on body language before experimenting, only to find that during my experiment, many of the surveyed students displayed at least one of these changes when they began to lie.

When a person lies, they’ll normally feel uncomfortable about it, and their displayed gestures will conflict with the words coming out of their mouths. Some people may give away their signs of lying without even realizing it. The body language of lying varies from the ever so tiny curling of the lip to excess and unnecessary laughing.


Im doing a science project: Can body language help you determine if a person is lying?
You can add how some do not look the other in the face,, pupils dilate, play with their fingers, etc. and how detectives use subtle body language like this in their proffession to see if a suspect is lying or not.
Reply:I've heard that when faced with a question that a person may lie about - if they look left they're lying, if they look right they're trying to recall.. It's in the eyes
Reply:Touching the nose often indicates a lie. There are at least a couple of good books on body language. Your public library may have them.
Reply:You could suggest what research to do based on your research. Are there questions you would like answered which was brought up by your experiment?

Maybe you could describe how certian you think the experiment was.

What do you think is the importance of this finding?

Questions for high school students only?

I want to make a survey for students in high school.

Are you a freshmen, sophomore, junior or senior?

Is school diverse or not?

What it is the total enrollment in your high school?

Is your principle mean or nice?

Are the people snobby in high school?

Is your high school urban or suburban?

Questions for high school students only?
i am a junior

and its pretty diverse

theres prolly about 600 kids at my school

my principal is AWESOME coolest guy ever.

yes they are pretty darn snobby

my school is in town beside the river
Reply:Sophmore next year.

The school is very diverse, composing of a large number of Caucasian students, Asian students and Hispanic students.

Around 3800.

He's very tough and organized, but he is nice if you get on his good side. He operates a very large school and is very serious, but he can be understanding when it comes to delicate issues.

I'd say 15% of our school is wealthy, 15% is poor, and 70% is middle-class. Out of that, I'd say less than 10% is snobby.

Reply:im an incoming senior

my school's really diverse, as is the city i'm in (around 50 nationalities attend, many different religions), but not many different classes of society, mainly upper-middle class

total HS enrollment is about 600

our principal is the best in the world

people are nice here, we have a culture of kindness that, though acknowlegedly cheesey, really does exist here; there are the odd snobby ones, but for the most part, people are nice

kinda urban, kinda suburban
Reply:Are you a freshmen, sophomore, junior or senior? Officially a sophomore. :)

Is school diverse or not? Some high schools are. If you mean if it has different races some can be. My high school has more black people then white people or hispanic. I'm white but I don't really have a problem with it. A color doesn't determine who you are.

What it is the total enrollment in your high school? 2,800 - 3,000 kids in my high school.

Is your principle mean or nice? Nice but close minded in my opinion.

Are there people snobby in high school? In most high schools, yes, there is. My high school does have a few mean and rude people. Actually there are A LOT. But I try to ignore it.

Is your high school urban or suburban? If you mean it's poor or whatever. We're a little on the urban side....I guess. I don't really pay attention.

My school is pretty diverse. There is a little bit of everything.

There are 3,000 to 4,500 students enrolled in my school.

The principle is okay i guess. I don't get how one would determine if the principal was mean or not unless they knew them personally, but then again I just saw the principal for the first time in four years last week. It was a senior awards thing.

Most people in the school are not snobby. I don't know many.

The school is urban.
Reply:Freshman going to be sophomore after summer

My school isn't diverse. It's like 95% white kids

I don't know

The principle is nice

Yes, it is a really wealthy town and I hate it because all the kids are really stupid since their parents can pay for college and they're very snobby and have $600 handbags and designers clothes.

Reply:I'm a Freshmen.

My school is very diverse.

My highschool is very small so about 14 people?

My principle is very nice but she's strict when she needs to be. I love her, she's the best!

There are a few girls who are snobby, but they are sometimes nice.

My school's urban.

its really diverse and really interesting to learn avout everyone.

im not sure about the enrollment.

the principal is amazing,he is so nice. hes not mean hes fair.

every high school or school in general has snobs.

Reply:Grade 9

Not diverse.

1700 kids.

Unknown status of principal.

The people are different, depending on who they are.

High school is suburban.

it's sort of diverse (in the middle)

about 3,000

too nice- you can get away with everything: even threatening to kill students

some are but most aren't

Reply:freshman going to be a SOphomore after summer


about at the least 900 the most 1500


some but not all

the skool is located in a suburban area but the kids live in urban areas!

Not diverse

2000 students

Which principal, we have two for every grade

Not snobby overall. Of course there are snobs but we aren't in general







It's not diverse at all

About 1300

She has her moments

Not many

Reply:10th grade

its diverse

nice princible

25% snobby


im english so i dont know what grade im in but im in year10 so that makes me 15....

umm headmaster [princeable] funny but a bastard

snobby and common

sorry im not much help..

perfect teeth